Schools in Monmouth & Carbonne

Postcards, Posters and Friendship

A Project for Monmouth Primary Schools:

Monmouth Town Twinning is delighted to have been granted funding from Monmouth Town Council for an exciting project linking primary schools in Monmouth and Carbonne.

The project allows primary age pupils to experience the joy in cross-cultural friendships by setting up ‘penfriend’ links.

To do this we have engaged with the Learning Schools Network, headed by Monmouth Comprehensive School, comprising Osbaston, Usk, Overmonnow, Kymin View, Raglan, Llandogo and Trellech Primary Schools.

Led by Osbaston School, children from Years 3-6 in network schools will undertake a ‘Primary Twinning Project’: communicating with their peers in Carbonne schools; learning about their lives; and practising their emerging French language skills.

Teddy bear made from Osbaston schools uniform given to Carbonne Primary School
Teddy bear made from Osbaston school uniform given to Carbonne Primary School

French Work Experience Visit

Alice Mirand and Marie Laine spent a week in Monmouth in June as part of their school work experience, which is now compulsory at the end of the GCSE year in France. Here’s what they had to say.

Our stay in Monmouth was very enriching. On Monday and Friday, we went to Monmouth Comorehensive School. We observed a lot of lessons, including French, English, Music and Welsh. It was very interesting and the French class was very funny. We also met some friendly and generous students ! Thanks to them, we tasted typical sweets like “Percy Pig ” and cakes like” Colin Caterpillar”. The teachers were also very kind. Our work experience tutor, Miss Snook, gave Marie presents for her 16th birthday.

On Thursday, we visited Osbaston Church in Wales Primary School. Mrs Morgan looked after us very well. We made posters about France with the children, they were all involved and had a lot of questions, we tried to answer them all and I think the children enjoyed meeting us !
During the afternoon, we went to the reception class with Mrs Morgan. We told the pupils our name in French and they did the same, they were very cute !

On Tuesday, it was Marie’s birthday, Jane (Harvey) took us to Raglan Castle, we visited it by ourselves, we really enjoyed it.

On Wednesday we spent the day with Alyssa and Corinne (Haines) and we went shopping in Hereford, it was a very cool day !

At the end of the week we met Danièle and John, Corinne’s parents – they were very kind ! We also went to see Corinne’s play, it was so funny !

To conclude, this week was incredible, we met lots of interesting people and created a lot of memories !
Thank you all !”

Alice and Marie

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