Joining couldn’t be easier.
And your first year will be free while you get to know us.
Come along to friendly social events in Monmouth while you learn more about our twin town Carbonne.
Future membership will be £16 per person per year.
Benefits of membership
- Opportunity to participate in exchange visits with our French Twin Town, Carbonne
- Opportunity for young people to practise their school French visiting families in France
- Varied social events around Monmouth
- Wine Tasting, Strawberry Teas, Barbecues, Coffee Mornings, Welsh Food evenings
- Petanque, Skittles……
Make payment
Please complete the form. You will receive a confirmation email and be included in future news and announcements.
Your first year subscription is free!
For renewing members, please indicate your intended method of payment.
You can pay your subscription of £16 per person either by bank transfer or by cheque.
Our Bank details
Account Name: Monmouth/Carbonne Twinning Association
Account No: 20615765
Sort Code: 20-00-85
Reference: [Your Name]
Cheque Details
Cheques payable to: Monmouth/Carbonne Twinning Association
Send to: Treasurer, Jane Harvey, at Cornwall House, 58, Monnow St, Monmouth, NP25 3EN